Saturday, September 10, 2005

New York Musical Festival

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why: The New York Musical Festival is coming to town: 35 musicals in three weeks, starting tomorrow. Improv is theater, and theater is good training for improvers. Music tunes into basic vibrations in the soul. So my soul brothers and sisters: see some theater. Some of our improver freinds will perform at some venues. I heard a rumor: Rebekka Johnson and Ernie Privatera will be performing in "Wrong Number". Rebekka is pretty and smart, with a quick wit. The talents of Ernie are amazing and indescribeable. At UCB, one night, I saw Ernie perform all parts of a one person musical. Fodder for this production came from three very different suggestions from the audiance. Ernie took these disparate ideas and formed them into a congruent real live musical extravaganza, in about 15 minutes. It was an awsome thing to behold. Steve


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