IMPRODOME 10/21/05
Meritorious indignation shadowed by fluorescent streams of hope, of love, of squalor, of genius. Sitting, absorbing, in a room of black: black walls, black ceiling, black floor, black chairs. Black like the humus of mother earth; black like the mid-night sky on a moonless night with stars spangling: brilliance. Cathartic energy envelops all, everything: calling forth devil and saint. Screaming luminescence of grey matter: mind stuff, molecules juxtaposed fortituously in grandour eminating beacons shining in night time frenzy: Sparkling, boiling cauldron of soup, no elixir -- elixir of timeless energy transforming tenticles stimulating claustrophobic dens of inequity buried in depths of our bodies, mind, soul: BEING. Essence personified by anecdotal evidence buried within us: Eras of hunger, famine, bounty, riches, ignorance, brilliance. We are the sum of all history: of parents, and ancestors, and humankind, of life, of rocks, dirt and atoms. Freedom constrained by bonds; let it go, let it happen: IMPRODOME! WHITES OF THEIR EYES. Excellent high energy genesis. We journeyed from support group for people who killed things with hammers, to donut shop, to wife to portabella mushroom dinner. White boys sort of found scene in the killing of cat; they did not have their usual razor sharp edge. LEATHER PENCIL FOLLOW. Good scene work with piano. We journeyed from museum of antiquities to hall of violence. Very good characeter work by Ernie. Bar scene: " you'll find your guy someday." Scene moved to trailer. Good truth in scene; good message about life. INDIGO BEARD. Protaginist Switch came in with bang; good play by Gina, being in love with Switch. Running. Losing son to asthma, with relief was scarry but believable. Ghost of Bobby, good ending, adding element of conscience. BRIDES OF CHRIST. Funny classroom scene with teacher picking on one student and lauding cheating student. Interesting journey into the mind. Juxtaposition of defication, conscience, ego, potty mouth, repressed memory. PENALTY BOX. Good opening: "Got us by the balls out there." Good, fast cuts, kept audiance attention. Brothel scene got a little silly. Amazing final scene, with fortune teller morph to time machine. RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Mom scene did not get to the point. Word play on names, cucumber, all silly, but fun to watch. LIGHT PARADE. Point of view of cancer patient did not ring true. Interview scene, tennis court on beach, all good play with a moral: the date is not working. MOBY DICK FOR WHATS A DICK FOR TO PISS WITH. Villan, astrologer, friendsters, midgets, mirrors, confession, spa, kiss, take off the blouse, broken fish tank, shoot her, babies were loud cryers: What more can I say, it was fun to watch. HOODIES. Detention room, praying, angels, no ghosts. A fitting end to a very exciting Improdome.
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