Monday, October 24, 2005


Falling mercilessly through incenced delusion. Believability layered together with intriguing fortune. Tarot cards, mumbles, deconstruction variation, pajamas no, reality shows never seen. The volunteer from the audiance was brilliant. Using a tarot card reading for deconstruction: a clever idea. Insence heightened the feeling. GERTRUDE. Some notable truths from the show: "I'm sorry Darlene, I'll do dishes in a minute." " I don't know how you get through life." " A lot of girls want to have sex a lot." "You're the coolest person I've met." Great second beat with mumbling concluded the show. Bam, bam, bam, cut, cut, cut, scene, scene, scene. Pete is master of the pause that refreshes. Good second beats throughout. Funny conclusion in mens room. MR. RESISTER. Some notable quotes: "I can't believe you did this to me.""I would have been here sooner, but the bathroom only had a hand dryer option.""You're not good enough for the job." "How hard can it be? Apparently very hard." I enjoyed sounds of expresso machine.


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