In life we all have a responsibility that goes beyond and outside of ourselves. For us, it is not just about performing, or writing, or entertaining, part of the deal is inspiring, -- planting a seed. Striking Viking Story Pirates ( entertains, and introduces children to the world of writing, and performing, and thinking. The company solicits stories from children. These stories form the genesis of a series of scripts, which are presented with music and puppetry. I saw their performance at the Drama Book Store theater, on Saturday. The show is designed for children; I enjoyed it too. I looked at the audiance around me, the children were enthralled. One of the performed pieces was originally written by a girl in the audiance. The cast honored this aspiring writer with a guest appearance on stage, and a signed cast poster from the show. This is an inspiring endeavor. There is only one drawback: The cost of $20.00 for an adult and $15.00 for a child is a big chunk of change for a young family.
I just looked at the web site. Tickets are $14.00 in advance.
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