Monday, November 14, 2005

IMPRODOME 11/11/05

Actual accounting accolades accumulate aerodomes attention. Beautiful bodies begotten before beastly boredom beholds benign beatoffs. Careasing careless crevices carefully. Darn dufus dynamite detritus delirious dandelions decorating dasdardly deeds demon delight. Every eunuch escalates easily emotionless energy enema. From fainthearted fearmones fearless faggotts forgotten foreign fucks. Giving garrulous gosch gelt. Helping hands hindering hindsight hyenas. IMPRODOME: INCORRIGIBLE. My Team, no quotes. MILITIA TITS. "If you want to kill the amimal, you must think like the animal." "Something happened when I was young." ""Yeah, and I'm fucking someone else." "Did you guys ever think we're too cool for ourselves?" FRIENDS SEASON ELEVEN 3000. "We're all dieing." "That's my head, my inner thoughts." "You're turning into me." "I'm probably going to beat you at this game." EARL GREY AND THE TEA BAGS. "How many Greek city/states do we need to defeat to feel good about ourselves." "I see your emotions, and I don't like emotions." " A book is journey, not destination." "They should invent a three digit number for emergencies." " Do I have to spell it out for you?" LEAN PIKCENS. "This is great." "You sure you're comfortable?" "Maybe not, his perspective has changed." "You can't base a relationship on cosmo." "I hit her with my car." " What other choice did I have but to leave him?" RUBBER BAND. "I'm the first me!" "Well look who has a healthy self asteem." "I'm the first biggest idiot." "I'm going to miss you so much." WHITES OF THEIR EYES. "The terrorists have taken over." "I'm just a lonely Indian in the cupboard." WOTE did an excellent performance. With emotion and inflection of speech Shawn W. makes the mundane exciting and interesting. I was unable to write more quotes because WOTE performed in darkness.


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