Good energy, fun night at the Peoples Improv Theater. The evening began with Molassi; it was fun, good scenes. Being a traditionalist I prefer the old format with two person scenes. The new host, Marcus Bonet, has mixed it up. Last night rocked with three person scenes. Marcus is such a rebel. Dion and Ali rocked with scetchprov: three core scenes, two terrorists, Doctor patient, and taxi driver passenger, all moved fast with a mesmerizing emotional edge. The high energy intro was great. The conclusion on a subway train was fun. FACULTY/BIG BLACK CAR. High energy, fun to watch. 29th STREET SOCIAL CLUB. Both teams kept it moving, with high energy. SUAREZ -- very good use of physicallity, good multiple second beats. Suarez really hit it. FANCY DRAGON--Great group game. Some memorable quotes: SUAREZ. "You look great, you've obviously been taking care of yourself." "I'm letting myself go.""I need someone there when I ... go." "A lot of other guys might complain, not me." "I prefer to think of it as giving quality service to the company.""I like to think I was bent over metaphorically.""How could you embaress me like that?" "He knows too much english for his own good." "A latino that doesn't have a latino." "I found the coolant the stuff grandpa makes oput back." "When I was little, I was short too." "I'm tired of pretending I'm your friend, I'm your daughter." FANCY DRAGON. "You've been following me for a couple of blocks." " I have trouble with people." "Wher ever you're going, I definitely want to be." " I gave that up to be an administrator at a hospital." "There's a picture of you canoodling." " I have the stamina of a tantric monk." "Some other demon was here. Son of a bitch." "You can't teach pathetic." MINGLE. "I don't understand why you can go into this place and act like buffoons." "I'm sorry, this friendship is not going to work out." "Does he have a large penis, like I have?" "It's probably the ancient toilet of Julius Caesar." We found this at the cursed tomb." MOSH. In life all things go in cycles. When I first attended the MOSH almost one year ago, it was super high energy. Many sharp minded improvers complimented the atmosphere with their inate brilliance. I suppose we all have only so much time; many of our compatriots now experience IMPRODOME, and do not bring their energy to the MOSH. The Mosh is there still, and it is fun, and it is a great opportunity to exercise our mental muscles. See you at the theater. Steve
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