Monday, January 09, 2006


Lesbian fuckers pretending to be straight, using men like a play date. Teasing and taunting, acting real nice. Without them, life would be boring without much spice. Nazi spoofs, goofs, pretending to be aloof; torturing animals and children and wives and mothers and husbands and fathers. Transmorgrafying liars into witch sauce immersed in cauldrons of broken glass. Next scene, pat her ass. -- It's acting, it's OK. Blood flowing from between chaste legs -- wasted eggs. Sad? Maybe! New life means change. Metamorphosis hurts. Love hurts. Love is a mental lubricant leading where? Depends ... depends on who, what, when, where. Love can uplift! Love can burn! Love can make you yearn! Love can make you laugh! Love can make you cry! Love can make you float on a cloud! Love can make you take a life ... maybe your own! HIPPSTERS FROM CONVENIENCE. "Mom you don't have to walk me to the class." "There's nothing wierd about the human body." "Are you Jewish because you listen to Jewish artists?" "I like burning American flags, kicking homeless guys." "She doesn't know we're here at all." "We're the people who do stuff." MANA . "Look, just let me in." "I was thinking about you." "I think it's about time to talk about our relationship." "I've been waiting for someone just like you." "You're not poisioning the mind of my baby." PINK NICIE NICE. (WHITES OF THEIR EYES). "I'm going to play the way I play the way snake plays." "Tell us what it's like to love something". "Why does every living thing in this house have to die?" "Let's get out of here, there must be a better way for youngsters to grow up." "Wish for something beautiful." NIALIST . "It looks cool, but it doesn't really do anything." "It's hard to find really smart celebrity scientists who are also actors in Hollywood." "Are you a magazine writer, or some kind of guru?" "I like the look of the poster." "Guys, I really need your addresses and five dollars." STUPID. Paul, Yang and me. SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. "These portions are enormous." "Excuse me I'm very tired." "We're at a funeral, do you mind?" "Whores, you just come in their faces." "I'm sorry I'm poor." EXIT SIGN. "I gathered up all the nuts." "Don't you fuck'in touch me." "I'll see you next week Jerry, I'm not going to give up on you." "It's not supposed to be funny, I'm just telling you my last name." "Let's play therapist." " It's your first period, it happens." " I hope someday, I share your apathy toward my kids." BURNS LITTLE BABIES. "Are you ready for my dinner party?" "Don't look him in the eye, because he won't eat." "They don't like babies." "Where's that shit of a husband you have?" "As long as you don't have no babies, you can do what you want." "For five dollars, I'll seal the deal in blood." "She must be lesbian."


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