Wednesday, February 08, 2006

ELNA BAKER revisited (2/7/06 Tuesday night)

I went to the Peoples Improv Theater, last night. I enjoyed PIT Bosses. These are one person shows which are done as a result of Jen Nails' class. The performers were awsome; they told great stories about themselves. After the show I was walking down the stairs on my way out; Elna walked up the stairs, and said: "See my show". I told her I had already seen it (see my blog November 27, 2005). She told me: "It is different now". So I stayed, and here is my commentary: Pretty ... pretty ... pretty ... witty ... witty ... witty... gritty ... gritty ... gritty. If only she could sing -- that is what I thought. If only she could sing -- like a sparrow in spring. Like Chinese food at Mings. Like the little bell that goes ding a ling a ling -- but maybe she can -- she just doesn't talk about it -- but we know she can kiss -- as far as she goes with sweet romantic idealism permeated with innuendo of New York street reality -- sweet street reality: Elna style. Some quotes from her show: "So that's your personal trainer." Footloose. "I worked out for an hour in the air gym." "I love living in New York, because it's a grid of possibilities." "My apartment is furnished with things I found on the street." "I moved to New York when I was 18." "I'm a Mormon." A warning from her Mother: "What would you do if a lesbian tried to make out with you?" "This man squats, pulls down his pants and poops." "We were pressed against the glass." Elna crashed a 7-11 convention: "I proposed a toast." "I come from a really loving family." "One summer we went to 25 countries." "I love how my parents love each other." "I make a fool of myself, a lot with boys." "He broke up with me two hours later." "Kissing is really wonderful." "I have faith for a reason, and I don't have sex for a reason." "Now, Rusty and I are pen pals." "Why don't you come out to my Ranch, tomorrow." "That's what happens when you start talking to strangers." "You can meet a person that has everthing you wanted." "They got married." "I drooled all down Bobs' shoulder."


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