Friday, September 30, 2005

9/29/05 Gertrude

Parasite---a suggestion morphed into safe sex, sperm doner, fertilized eggs, weird babies, conjoined twins, a school for people like us, vacation, and collecting the monkeys sperm. Who cared about truth in comedy? It was fun. it had a flow. Hope Gertrude works together some more: they need to develop a greater level of intimacy and depth of mutual understanding. I suppose improving is like being married or being with someone a long time. To make it all work really well all the time a group needs to really, really know one another.

9/28/05 29th St. Socal Club: Suarez

Abstinance is Key: Truth! Miandering through troughs of mind: Mish mosh of thoughts finding one thread: ear wax, Moshe the Israeli. Second beats triumph. Bring threads together, no ends hang... Improv is about many things: one of them is our own mind. State of mind is preeminent: Focus! Beginning of set lacked flow or intimacy. More warm ups, more coffee, more sugar, maybe a cluster fuck. I don't know.

Suarez 9/28/05 (29th St Social Club)

Confluence of ideas bombards the senses and audiance and performers. Finding the nut of conscience, brooding through a metroplex of mind juice: one idea, one truth... Abstinance is key, peanuts, Bin Ladens store. Ah Ha: ear wax, Moshe, second beats: Try to bring all streams together. Sometimes too many streams leave dangling ends: non-sense, misunderstanding. At the beginning of the set Suarez lacked flow and intimacy. Need more warm-up, more coffee, cluster fuck! I really do not know.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

MINGLE 9/21/05 (8 Studs and 1 Lady)

Overall, a very enjoyable, high energy performance. Champions sport shop scene had good use of multiple characters. Clothier scene did not define the relationship, or get to the point. Puppy dog calanders included some entertaining walk-ons. Murder scene ended with truth in comedy, which was expected, and fun to watch. (it consisted of a fantasy meeting between a couple). Gun scene was silly, but fun to watch. Chair scene included good characters, and flashback. Good second beat to Champions, and Puppy dog calander scenes. Mingle was followed by a high energy, fun to be at Molassi.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Peoples Improv Theater 9/17/05

MR. RESISTOR degenerated into trite gayness at the onset of their performance, which morphed into angry quasi-heterosexualtiy. There was a good emotional edge, with nice flow. As often happens with improv, Mr. Resistor, left truth in comedy behind. As a result, their time on stage was not as enjoyable as it could have been. They used split scene technique well. Cuts were good with a nice flow. They needed to bring up more energy: more coffee, longer warm-up. Nice Spanish scene. Nice second beat on robbery and kidnapping scene. PYGMEE MARMALADE did not stay true to principle of truth in comedy. In particular the space ship scene degenerated into silly gayness. There was a lack of real emotional edge. There was a nice flow in their presentation, with good cuts. The Monster scene was ridiculous, but it worked. Good second beat on Monster scene.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

the day before 9/11

Bombastic cleavage of midnight sun Profanity inspires Sound of a gun Smiles at night How soon we forget Lifes happiness is preset Be kind to others and it will return Do wrong And you will burn 9/10 the day before 9/11 featured high energy improv : Mr. Restistor and Gertrude at the PIT and The Project at Magnet. Good energy supplants bad. And takes away the sad.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

New York Musical Festival

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why: The New York Musical Festival is coming to town: 35 musicals in three weeks, starting tomorrow. Improv is theater, and theater is good training for improvers. Music tunes into basic vibrations in the soul. So my soul brothers and sisters: see some theater. Some of our improver freinds will perform at some venues. I heard a rumor: Rebekka Johnson and Ernie Privatera will be performing in "Wrong Number". Rebekka is pretty and smart, with a quick wit. The talents of Ernie are amazing and indescribeable. At UCB, one night, I saw Ernie perform all parts of a one person musical. Fodder for this production came from three very different suggestions from the audiance. Ernie took these disparate ideas and formed them into a congruent real live musical extravaganza, in about 15 minutes. It was an awsome thing to behold. Steve

Improdome at the PIT 9/9/05

Improdome is a bevy of three person scenes. Put together a team, enter, and you are in. As with all improv or theater or life, there are high energy days and there are days that are not. Last night was high energy fun. Improdome is at the Peoples Improv Theater, Friday nights at 11PM.