Friday, December 23, 2005


The Magnet theater is one of many developmental theaters in NYC. Magnetosphere is one tool used for developing abilities of performers. Students are grouped into teams; the teams perform montage scenes, a scene in one location, a Harold (a form developed in Chicago), and freeze tag. My commentary on the evening: Is not knowing, a road to bliss? Or, is knowing, realizing and attaining, the bliss? The spark of mental resonance we aspire toward is like a light twinkling in the distance, beckoning seductively. Creative presentation is the mirror of our being. Working, eating, procreating, promagnam existance -- If this is all there is, can the being in this caccoon of life be as happy as can be, or is the caccoon a prision? Does liberating the mind liberate the soul? Does realization of knowledge and truth make us more complete? I and we could have chosen to sit and be entertained. I and we could be dulling our mind with beer, alcohol, and drugs. If you are reading this, you have chosen a different path: One of mind realization and exploration, using the tool we know as Improv. Some quotes from the performance: "I can't be in a car where I can't respect the person I'm with." "You don't even want me to be happy." "You're going to walk out of this room looking fierce." "You're like a work of art to me." "I'm the one paying for it." "What has college done to you, always problemitizing." "See these dailies, they're disgusting, I'm going to have to fire you." "I am breezing through this situation." "You can always make me laugh." "I have tongs in my hands." "The cap's still on it bozo." "You didn't call, so I got married." "Here are your peppers, so you can loose weight." "I'm the fuck out of here." I would like to add one more thing: Lucia Aniello plays with a wonderful emotional edge.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


The evening began with Mr. Resistor and Gertrude. Consciousness flowed nicely with fun scenes performed by both teams; both were enjoyable to watch. Selfish me, I wanted more; second beats, tieing scenes together at the end, would have been real iceing on the cake. MR. RESISTOR. "I was playing football with Rocco and the boys." "It's not about how good it is, it's how you look." "Sylvestor Stallone is like three feet tall." "Ninja smoke bombs, they stopped making them." "Your credit check failed." "People loose their minds when a strike is going to happen." "This is the greatest single serving conversation, I've had." "I saw you sleeping." "Congratulations on your promotion." "Gloating starts with a G, and so does good." "I can buy my way out of the law." "Why don't you guys come in and have a drink with me." "I love that thin air being out of breath, just slightly." "I used to be in love with a woman, now I am nothing." "Now, just do exactly what I do." GERTRUDE. " How do you remain so calm?" "We are so going to die." "You just said you loved me." "Heres to new business opportunities." "Every child deserves a little bit of sugar." "My cats are my friends." "Animals don't hurt people." "My dad says you have cob webs between your legs." "You've got some arms on you." "Something is poking into me from behind." "I thought that was the storm coming, it sounds like the end of the world." "Please stay in your basement, tape the windows." "No matter what those kids do to you in school, I'll always love you." "There's this gay component." "I'm not comfortable being here." "I am attracted to homeless people." "Thank G-d it came out like this."

Monday, December 19, 2005


Irascible light speed cup cake revolution. Buying time with wit. Buying time with wit. Buying time with wit. Wit. Wit. Wit. Hit. Hit. Hit. Move. Move. Move. Cut. Cut. Cut. Speak. Speak. Speak. Story. Shout. Shout. Whispering prominades of love beads, like sweat of a thousand promiscuous slave dogs. Bitches in heat, imagination responders set super high. Flying delicate rosebuds, beyond grasp, beyond grasp, beyond grasp. Tears streaming through gasps of loss, of loss, of loss. Help us find our way, our way, our way: IMPRODOME. "It all comes down to love and Santa Claus." "They've all been blessed or demonized." WHITES OF THEIR EYES. "Your travels are now over, young man." "I woke up in the middle of the night with a spiritual awakening." "Now you're in a land with beautiful lesbian ladies." "I just creamed my shorts, Captain." SPECTOR OF CALAPHATE. "Is everything just miserable?" "You have to change your perspective, fast." "If it's going to start out miserable, why should it start at all?" "We have to find the good in this." "Your brother thinks you're in the bathtub, dead." "There's a crap in the toilet, but it's not mine." BLOW POPS. Radomir, Yang and me: no quotes. PUCKY CHARMS. "Get this posted before midnight." "I know you're just a temp, but you have my heart." "Let's act like animals." "What did you think this job was all about." "You're on the team." THE NIHILIST. "If you have really cheap wine, I'll take that." "You know if you need money, you can always borrow it from me." "I bought a trip to space." "I love to iron." " All my other roomates thought I was gay." "There are going to be drunk latino people on your doorstep when I go by." "You are a racist." "You make the best toilet wine." "All my tomagathie have been rearranged." FIN. "I lost my job at the board game factory, today." "They said I was speaking tongues." "You roll dice and move your tractor." "You never made me a little brother." "You ain't mad at me for killing Pa?" "There's always room for forgiveness." " I never thought a desk job would fuck my back up so much." "I got a great finger game idea." "Mine's hairless." "Mine's King Wolf, so I get to go two more."

The CHRIS O'NEILL Spectacular

Some quotes from Chris O'Neill MAGNETOSPHERE 12/15/05: "I completely fucked up." "She was good, you're a lucky guy." "I don't know whether I should admire the sunset or admire you." "If you want to hit me, hit me, I deserve it." "Maybe you married the wrong woman." "There is no one in town she hasn't done."

MOLASSI 12/15/05

Root of long form improv. Finding the game. Where it all starts. Foundation. Defining relationships. Establishing backstory. MOLASSI. some quotes: " I know you're mad." "You've got to learn to trust me. Without trust where are we?" " I guess I was wrong." "It doesn't mean I have to like you." "I want things to be OK between us again." "You've never done anything right this it your chance." "I'm getting married soon so I've been planning my wedding." "I'm two months pregnant." " He was a drive in accident." "I can hardly stand the whining." " You can grab the problem by the throat until it does what you want." "I wear the gloves to keep your whiney energy out of my body." "You have to take a leap of faith." "The basement flooded because you put too much paper in the toilet." "The only person you have for the rest of your life is your brother or sister."

Monday, December 12, 2005

AMPERS&ND 12/11/05

From the depths of conscious being ... formalgahyde of our souls -- is that it? -- I really don't know. Cadance, beat, mind, molecule connections ... chains of reality link together fascinated by myriad possibilities. Permutations and salutations, fascinations and deviations --- moving fast and procrastinations... Beat, beat, beat, keep the beat --- miss it and beat off --- scene dead. Dead like a missive floating featherbed soft in a dreamscape of illusion: Illusion designed as mirror to truth. Truth, truth, truth --- essential in life, in relationships, in improv. Deviate from universal ethos of thuth and loose: Loose in life, loose in relationships, loose in improv. Fascination, focus, interest, humor, all come from observable truth. Illusion of reality touches inner essence of ourselves. And, illusion of reality was a paramount essential in their Sunday night performance --- Diana D, and John F: ignited our imaginations with multi fascited, multi accented, multi, multi, multi, characters: Fun to watch and meld with as the aura of their performance enveloped our audiance. Ampers&nd sated my entertainment desire.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Fuckwads redo or redue or redon't, redundant fuckwads. Fuckwads don't get married. Fuckwads get married. Fuckwads don't give or... da da da ... get road head. Fuckwads don't die, they're just fuckwads. Are fuckwads failures if they're good at being fuckwads? Fuckwads have fuckwad cadance. Fuckwads drink; fuckwads are sober. Fuckwads are minorities and fuckwads are majorities. Fuckwads are fathers and fuckwads are stepfathers. Fuckwads dress the part, and fuckwads fart. Fuckwads eat a lot and fuckwads don't eat at all. Fuckwads work; fuckwads sit home and watch TV. Fuckwads pillage accident sites. Fuckwads shop at the grocery store. Fuckwads explode heads and fuckwads heads explode. Some fuckwads have a dick and some fuckwads have a pussy ... and sometimes, theyget together and make more fuckwads. Fuckwads slap tits. Fuckwads go to therapy. Fuckwads are yoga masters. Fuckwads are toxic. Fuckwads go to encounter groups. Fuckwads comb their hair. Fuckwads have no hair. Fuckwads throw up. Fuckwads get pregnant. You're a fuckwad, I'm a fuckwad, we're all fuckwads. . . . Yeah! IMPRODOME. Diana: "I got Married." "I told my sister, she told me you're an idiot and she hung up on me." "I'm hoping for a pearl." BOOK RETORT. Melissa, Sarah and Me. no quotes. ROLLING STONES APOCALYPSE. "So they drove over the bridge." "What about road head?" "I have a stick shift though." " I guess you like my advanced guide to the idiots guide to fucking." "He did not expect to die." " The angel of death will take me shortly." "You've got thirty seconds left to give me a life time of love." "I don't want to cry over you, you son of a bitch." "Throw this knife at me a couple more times." " A man isn't naturally born to kill things with a knives." "I figured it would be more relaxed in a motel room somewhere." "I lost my hard on for this, I'm sorry." "For Christ sake stop, we hit somebody." "I left my George Thurgood tapes at home."WOMEN OF NEGOTIABLE AFFECTION. "This is my cadence." " Suzie Wilkens gave me a little bit of a hand job." "I too wanted a hand job." "Does not a man want love?" "You're just speaking in plattitudes." " When you fall asleep, I'm going to cut your balls off." "You have to get a new wardrobe and get cool." "I have a rape trial in two weeks." "You're doing way too much booze, way too much pot." "I found this bar that let me turn in my AA card for a free drink." "He stopped drinking and turned old and dirty and disgusting." "And then we should fuck." "Old English 800, the malt liquor that's killing the black man." PAX. "You've been a little bit cold almost." "When you drink a little too much you get crude." "I heard you throw'in the f bomb around a lot." "What's done is done." "If I embaress you at all, I'm sorry." "I was really fuck'in crazy at the party last night, she knows." "You got to let him do it on his own terms." "When we're at work, I'm not your mother." "If you're going to stay here, you're going to have to dress the part." "If you don't like it, you can spit it out." "You came here to convert everyone." THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES. "If we fuck the sequence up again, we get fired." "Whose going to make a movie about us, in thirty years?" "There was a truck crash on I-95, I got this free box of licorice." "Now lunches never have to be boring, anymore." "Destiny is in your hands." " That light never goes on." "We started hearing a bunch of music, and his head exploded." "We were supposed to save the day, but we wrecked the day." "I said some things I'm not proud of." "We are partly native american, I swear to g-d." "Two months later, they find an alien space ship." "Love is all you need." "My Aunt is Cindy Williams." "You know someone famous." KENNEDY'S HEAD SHOT. "I don't even remember being at that party." "You were really drunk." "It was a great party." "You asked me if I would show me your dick." "You remember that party we met at." "I remember seeing his penis." "It's a stereotype based on truth." "You know if you put that on your body, you will die." "The one time I ask you to come, and you do." HOT PINK FISHY FACE. "How am I going to be with you if I know you played around?" "Our second date was supposed to be different." "No one has ever slapped your tits before on the second date?" "I think you can do anything one time, and it doesn't count." "So you came back for more therapy form Dr. Drago." " We don't judge them." "You don't look like a yoga master." "Surrounded by schools of tuna." "I love toxins in my body." "If you're going to slap me, slap me like you love me." PRETTY PRETTY PONIES. " I decided this morning, that I wanted to watch this ." "If only we had not eaten out after the recital." "That was ridiculous, put a pea through a cathator." "I think life makes me sad." "I'm really glad you came to our encounter group." "We both love his cock." "I've never gotton angry watching a recital, before." "I cashed your social security check." "I promise you on your mothers' legs." "I like watching the wind blow." ABACUS."I took the tylenol, like you said I should take." "You know she has a crude husband, and a child that doesn't like you." "Let's draw straws or combs out of the container." "I've watched through the mirror, I can see it backwards." "That baby is probably throwing up in its' womb." "I gave birth to your daddy." "Shut up I'm pregnant." "It turns out this man is Jupiter, marrided to Minerva." "I was a woman before you were in seventh grade." "Look at my rippling muscles." "People look at G-d differently." "Call the ghost busters, bitch."

Monday, December 05, 2005


Essential truth, that is it ... all there is to it. Essential truth -- not silliness, not jokes, not nonsense, not talking to talk ... essential truth. Cosmetic vinyettes of life ... bing, bong ... essential truth. Prismatic meaning, split reality into ... essential truth. Perspective, opinion, point of view ... essential truth. Essential truth ... climax, point, meaning, ending, morphing into new story, new beginning, new birth, essential truth: IMPRODOME. PAX "I'm kind of a little bit on the shy side." "We're both lonely." "You know somebody to walk you home." "Second year senior ... pre-med." "I'm sorry, I was judging you." " He seemed nice." "Seriously, I have to be up in the morning." "That was unexpected and rather pleasant." "You've got a lot to say." "Are you crying?" KENNEDY'S HEAD SHOT. "You're looking really stressed." "How do I learn how to relax?" "Deep breathing." "Daphne wants to leave me." "Are you breaking up with me as a patient?" "Everything you do affects me." "I want to die as much as you do." "That's why I think death is the whole point of life." "Pregnancy happens." "I was thinking on the way down , how liberating death is." TRY FUCK TA. "One time I got my period and bled through my pussy." "This guy wasn't cool, he was using me. " "Is this because of your cock problem?" "I Suppose now I should dring the book." "I'm in over my head." PIT VIPOR. "I get to the bottom of the problem, I solve it and I know karate." "I'm a super hero mostly on mondays." I just love sitt'in on the stoop and watch'in this." "You live in terrible poverty." "Sensitivity isn't one of my strong points." "I don't want you to take me anywhere." "Mega reality television man." "There's trouble with the real world." WHITE'S OF THEIR EYES. "I remember the tranquil days of youth." "I smell a pie mama." "I smell pie all the way from the widows peak." "Color me pleased." "Hold on, I do this better with no hands." "We'll never have enough money to save the orphanage." "How could so much sadness fit into such little bodies?" "There yonder Mt. Washington, there we climb." "We're going to stand and watch, until they make love." SOMETHING FRIENDY. "I really want to share." "Look at you with your wee wee." "It's not a sexual time." "It's a mighty bloody knife you got there." "You guys deal with situations." "Why do you always have to hit me with the french bread sticks?" "We both know I'm pissed, and we both know why." "She's just feeling my melons." My group -- Radamir, Tony and me. No quotes. ONE HIT WONDER. "I love you man.""This is my reward, even though I came in fourth." "Doctors get drunk and fuck up." "When you're a doctor, you're going to get the best look'in women." "He's going to die a virgin." "I'm out of lubricant." HIMROD. "You're fired." "Heres to my losing a job." "You slayed a dragon to make that flannel shirt." "How is she not my mom?" "I got it at the ninty nine cent store for two dollars." "What are you some kind of wimp?" FAMOUS ORIGINAL NOT THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES. "It's your uncle Bob, I know you haven't seen me in years." "If I told you where I've been, you wouldn't go with me now." "But Uncle, Wendy's, a bible, what does it all mean?" "The birthstone of gemini." "The oracle said he'd be hot." "Would you like to super size your destiny?" "Have you solved cancer yet?" "Come give Dr. Theopolis a hug." "All I know how to do is kill and cure." "No, I think a robo prostitute will give me head.""I'm a love bot, I don't understand these things." "The man I love loves physics."